Coca Cola India

Transforming Workflow with Power BI

Coca Cola India

In this case study, we explore how Coca Cola India’s data management and decision-making process were transformed by Power BI, a powerful business intelligence tool. Coca Cola India was able to improve productivity and save a lot of time by streamlining their reporting process with the help of Power BI.


Coca Cola India a leading FMCG company, previously relied on time-consuming manual processes to gather and analyse data from multiple sources, including SAP-generated Excel reports. This process was tedious and often required hours of effort to compile and interpret information regarding various departments like Sales Analysis, production and transportation, Safety Health, Complaint Matrix, Water & Electricity Consumption, Warehouse Capacity Utilization, forecast vs. actual sales inventory status and Quality Control.



Coca Cola India experienced issues such as a strong reliance on SAP Excel reports for daily meetings, time-consuming data compilation that slowed decision-making, and inefficiencies in understanding crucial business KPIs. These issues highlighted the significance of simplifying operations to improve productivity and decision-making. Developing smart dashboards for each of the departments giving insights of what is happening in each of the department.

Coca Cola India
Coca Cola India


We developed comprehensive Power BI dashboards that provided real-time insights for each of the department which are now used in their high level meeting which happens every morning consisting heads of various departments.

The implementation approach begins with extensive requirement collecting sessions with the Coca Cola India team to determine their unique reporting pain points and desired objectives. Following that, data from multiple sources was compiled in Excel into Power BI to create an integrated data model that will serve as the basis for reporting. Next, appealing dashboard designs are created, displaying essential metrics in visually attractive ways that are appropriate for user demands. To facilitate a smooth transition, user training sessions are held to familiarise client’s team with the new Power BI dashboards and functionalities. Throughout the process, client’s feedback is actively asked for, and progressive modifications are made to improve usability and relevance, assuring the reporting solution’s efficiency and user-friendliness.


Ultimately, the implementation of Power BI at Coca Cola India transformed their data management and reporting procedures. Coca Cola India improved operational efficiency and agility by integrating real-time data and simple visualization, opening the path for better, quicker decision-making.

Here are few clips of our Team visit to Coca Cola India Plant in Pune.

Coca Cola India
Coca Cola India


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